Panel Chair: Patrick Craven, Vice Chair, e-Assessment Association, UK.
This is a joint webinar organised with the e-Assessment Association for the 2018 e-Assessment Awards.
This 1 hour session will feature presentations from selected award winners from the 2018 e-Assessment Awards . The winners were announced 18 April 2018 at the gala dinner, London, UK.
This webinar session will take the form of a panel style review by selected awardees from eAAwards 2018. Each panel member will contribute to the discussion with a short overview of their innovation, project, product or program followed by questions and discussion between the panel and the webinar participants.
Panel Presenters:-
Patrick Craven, e-Assessment Association, will chair the panel and give an outline introduction to the Association and the international e-Assessment Awards programme.
To register for this session please login (or create an account) then click the 'register now' button.
Sessions are hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, PVC Education, University New South Wales and Dr Mathew Hillier, Monash University Office of Learning and Teaching, Monash University, Australia.
Please note all sessions are recorded and made public after the event.