4 September 2019: Continuous assessment, feedback loops and analytics
Presenters: Ole Eggers Bjælde (Science and Technology Learning Lab & Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark) and Annika Büchert Lindberg (Science and Technology Learning Lab, Aarhus University, Denmark).
The webinar focused on how a combination of feedback loops and continuous assessment can enhance student learning and produce data to illustrate it, to both students and educators. Examples were given of differing course assessment designs to encourage effective learning through feedback and peer evaluation.
Further information
- Slide Set: TA_webinar_4_sep_2019_slides.pdf [2.8MB] [PPT 7.6MB]
- Chat Log (edited for clarity): TA_webinar_4_sep_2019_chat_log.txt
- Audience responses [1.5MB PDF] to speaker survey questions.
- Annika's profile.
- Ole's profile.
Session Recording
View: Session recording in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra version (includes slides, audio and audience text chat).
View: YouTube slides and audio (no text chat).