6 April 2016: Meaningfully embedding program (Degree) learning goals in course work
Presenter: Danny Carroll (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, PVC Education, University of New South Wales and Dr Mathew Hillier, Monash University, Australia. Starting 07:00AM UTC/GMT. Duration 60 Minutes.
The accreditation of degree programs by professional bodies and quality agencies requires evidence of student learning and assessment outcomes against program goals. This evidence is often hidden in disconnected educational processes and so is often complex and time consuming to compile. Further this leads to disorientation on the part of students who can struggle to make sense of the connections between learning activities, assessment and desirable learning outcomes.
The session explored the experience of the University of New South Wales Business school, in seeking to satisfy the accreditation requirements of AACSB and EQUIS sought to trial the Review assessment tool. The trial of 'Review' started in four courses in 2011 and has since grown organically to now be used in 160 courses per semester across three faculties. It was found that the the use of Review improved learning, teaching and assessment administration and reporting outcomes. The tool visually embeds program goals in course based assessment for the practical reference of students and staff. This session also described why Review can be characterised as a 'future oriented' assessment system.
Further information
- Slide Set: TA_webinar_6_apr_2016_slides.pdf [2.9MB] [PPTx 2.18MB]
- Chat Log (edited for clarity): TA_webinar_6apr2016_chat_log.txt
- Danny's: LinkedIn profile.
- Assuring Learning website (Australian Government Office of Learning Teaching project) http://www.assuringlearning.com/
- The 'Review' software https://www.review-edu.com/
- Additional Resources:
- Carroll, D. (2013) Student attitudes to criteria-based assessment, ASCILITE, http://www.ascilite.org/conferences/sydney13/program/papers/Carroll.pdf
- Carroll, D. (2014) Benefits for students from achieving accuracy in criteria-based self-assessment, https://www.academia.edu/8713240/Benefits_for_students_from_achieving_accuracy_in_criteria-based_self-assessment
- Carroll, D. (2015) Win, win, win: Future assessment systems, https://www.academia.edu/14859674/Win_Win_Win_Future_Assessment_Systems
- Freeman, M & Christine Ewan, C (2013) Good Practice Report: Assuring Learning Outcomes and Standards, OLT, http://www.olt.gov.au/project-good-practices-report-assuring-learning-outcomes-and-standards-2013
- Lawson, R. (et al) (2013) Strategies for Curriculum Mapping and Data Collection for Assuring Learning, http://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=hgreport
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