6 October 2021: Using video in assessment and feedback
This session explored two approaches to using video in assessment and feedback.
This panel session is jointly presented by Transforming Assessment and the Assessment in Higher Education Network (UK).
Session chair: Fabio Arico (University of East Anglia, UK)
Presenter 1: Justin Rami (Dublin City University, Ireland)
"The impact and possibilities of video feedback in higher education - towards a model of care, trust, and social presence."
This presentation explored the use, impact and possibilities of Video Feedback in Higher Education towards a model of care, trust and social presence. Fostering the conditions for the design of a sustainable model in which dialogical feedback/forward can develop means the function of feedback can be mutually understood and utilised.
Presenter 2: Elizabeth Hidson, Ian Elliott, Alison Griffiths, Vikki Wynn, Simon Sheard & Jemma Bell (University of Sunderland, UK)
"Video-enhanced dialogic assessment of teaching practice portfolios"
Our guiding research question asks "what evidence of practice is co-constructed through the video-enhanced dialogic assessment interview process?" In this presentation, we presented the Video-Enhanced Dialogic Assessment (VEDA) process and research project in the context of teacher education. VEDA can most easily be imagined as an online viva voce oral examination. We shared two key case studies from the ongoing project. One focuses on the trainee teacher for whom formative video-stimulated recall, reflection and dialogue is part of their learning i.e assessment for learning. The other case study presented the summative high-stakes VEDA interview where the assessor must be confident that all the evidence presented demonstrates that the candidate meets the necessary teachers’ standards.
Please download abstracts for both presentations (PDF).
Further information:
- Slide Set: TA_webinar_6_oct_2021_slides.pdf [11.6 MB] (including references and links)
- Justin Rami.
- Elizabeth Hidson.
- Chat Log (edited for typos) including shared links: TA_webinar_6_oct_2021_chat_log.txt
Session Recording
View: Session recording in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra version (slide stream, text chat and audio).
View: Session recording on Youtube (slide stream and audio).