2022: e-Assessment Awards: Showcase of selected winners

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e-Assessment Awards 2022: Showcase of selected winners - A joint Transforming Assessment and eAssessment Association session. 

This session will feature short presentations and an opportunity for questions with selected award winners from the categories listed below.

Introduction by the chair of the session for the e-Assessment Association, Paul Muir, e-Assessment Association Board Member and Head of Technology Enabled Assessment at the British Council.

Presentations from three selected award winning projects:
1 Best Summative Assessment Project 2022: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology. Presented by Manish Mohta, Director, Learning Spiral Pvt. Ltd.

Details TBA

Best International Implementation 2022: NEBOSH International Digital Assessments. Presented by Dee Arp, Chief Operating Officer, NEBOSH.

This e-Assessment Award focuses on innovation and effective implementation of a project in one or more countries outside of the main country of operation. NEBOSH operated from Leicester in the United Kingdom. We moved all of our core assessments from paper-based live invigilated examinations to online closed book assessments with surrounding quality assurance features. This was achieved in approximately 140 countries in a short period to enable our learners to continue their learning journey in Health and Safety during the pandemic.

3 Most Innovative Use of Technology in Assessment 2022: Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) with ACER Signum - online standard setting application. Presented by Dr Jacob Pearce, Principal Research Fellow, Specialist & Professional Assessment, Tertiary Education (ACER) and Dr Ammar Aldaoud, Research Fellow, Assessment & Reporting (ACER).

ACER Signum is an online application designed to facilitate standard setting. The process involves harnessing expert judgment on assessment items to determine passing standards. ACER Signum ensures a seamless user experience while contributing to high-quality, robust assessment practice.

The session will conclude with an opportunity to ask questions.

Tweet about this: @TransformAssess@eAssess#eAAwards #eAAConf22

Note: See also the full list of eAassessment Awards winners

To register for this session please login (or create an account) then click the 'register now' button.

Sessions are hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, DVC Academic, University of Canberra and Dr Mathew Hillier, Macquarie University, Australia.

Please note all sessions are recorded and made public after the event.

Time is displayed below is in *universal coordinated time* -> See your local time.

6 July 2022 07:00 AM   through   08:00 AM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) : See your equivalent local time