The first e-Exam Symposium was held on 24 November 2018, Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne, Australia.
The programme consisted of 8 speaker sessions - further details and session recordings are provided for each session:
The MC was Professor Geoffrey Crisp, PVC-Education, University of New South Wales. The Conference was chaired by Dr Mathew Hillier (Monash University / e-Exams project lead) and co-hosted by the e-Exams project team presenting on the day (Dr Andrew Fluck (University of Tasmania), Associate Professor Matthew Bower (Macquarie University), Dr David Meacheam (University of New South Wales Canberra / ADFA), Dr Michael Cowling (Central Queensland University), Mr Kennith Howah (Central Queensland University). Administrative support by Ms Vilma Simbag (University of Queensland).
The symposium was supported by an Australian Government Department of Education and Training grant 'Transforming exams across Australia' ID15-4747. The views expressed on this website, the symposium sessions, recordings and in the associated publications do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training or participating institutions.
Contact: Mathew Hillier