26 March 2020: The KISS approach to teaching online in the time of COVID19
Presenters: Prof. Michael Sankey (Griffith University, Australia).
This session explored a "keep it simple" approach to moving teaching online in a time of crisis. This included ideas for how to load it, teach it and assess it whilst keeping in mind the limitations faced by those rapidly moving online but also aiming to maximise student engagement in learning.
Further information
- Slide Set 1 (as presented): TA_webinar_26_mar_2020_slides.pdf [1.5MB]
- Chat Log (as is): TA_webinar_26_mar_2020_chat_log.txt
Other resources provided in the text chat:
- Michael Sankey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/michael_sankey
- LMS tools: https://michaelsankey.com/2020/01/22/lms-vle-and-or-productivity-tools/
- Edcause - 8 Lessons Learned from Teaching Online: https://er.educause.edu/multimedia/2013/5/8-lessons-learned-from-teaching-online
- ACODE TEL Framework: https://www.acode.edu.au/course/view.php?id=62
- University of Victoria Canada, minimise cheating: https://onlineacademiccommunity.uvic.ca/learnteachtech/2018/05/31/how-do-i-stop-online-students-from-cheating/
- Transforming Assessment session 'Implementing remotely invigilated online exams at scale': http://transformingassessment.com/events_25_march_2020.php
- Moodle record audio question type: https://moodle.org/plugins/qtype_recordrtc
- Griffith University online teaching advice: https://www.griffith.edu.au/online/teach-online
- Moodle plugin to put quiz quesitons in the middle of study materials: https://moodle.org/plugins/filter_embedquestion
Session Recording
Blackboard Collaborate archive version.
- View: Session recording in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra version (slide stream, text chat and audio).
- View: Session recording on Youtube (slide stream and audio).