7 July 2021: eAssessment Awards: Showcase of selected winners

e-Assessment Awards 2021: Showcase of selected winners - A joint Transforming Assessment and eAssessment Association session. 

eAssessment Awards 2021

This session featured short presentations and an opportunity for questions with selected award winners. The eAssessment Award winners are to be announced in June 2021. Further information is available about the eAssessment Awards. Twitter: @eAssess

Introduction by the session chair: Teresa Jacobs (Executive Director of Learning, International Skills Development Corporation, UK/India)

Presentations from three selected award winning projects:

  1. "eAssessment: Delivering Authentic Assessment at Scale" (online exams), Monash University. Best Summative Assessment Project 2021. Presented by Kris Ryan, Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic, Monash University.
  2. "FirstPass" (an instant marking and automated feedback tool for open ended responses), Bolton College. Most Innovative Use of Technology in Assessment 2021. Presented by: Aftab Hussain, Information Learning Technology Manager, Bolton College.
  3. "Learning by Evaluation (LbE) with RM Compare" (peer formative assessment using adaptive comparative judgement techniques). Best Research 2021. Presented by Pete Collison, RM Education Ltd.

Tweet about this: @TransformAssess@eAssess#eAAwards #eAAConf21

Further information:

Additional resources

Resources shared in the session

Session Recording

View: Session recording in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra version (slide stream, text chat and audio).

View: Session recording on Youtube (slide stream and audio).