WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.900 @kane murdoch...haha - i get it now! πŸ˜… 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:01.900 Morning from a grey Manchester (UK). 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:08.900 The cog is not useful as that is only for your microphone and camera, both of which have been disabled for this session 00:00:12.000 --> 00:00:12.900 Hi there from Canberra 00:00:38.000 --> 00:00:38.900 Hi Ann 00:00:50.000 --> 00:00:50.900 Morning all πŸ™‚ 00:00:51.000 --> 00:00:51.900 Hi there from Sydney. πŸ™‚ 00:01:24.000 --> 00:01:24.900 The cog still lets you set up your audio and video and make sure you have the correct mic selected 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:28.900 Hi everyone! 00:01:33.000 --> 00:01:33.900 Tip: The 'cog' in the bottom right corner (my settings) may help disable the bings and popups. 00:01:34.000 --> 00:01:34.900 hi 00:01:37.000 --> 00:01:37.900 hello 00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:42.900 Hi rebecca πŸ™‚ 00:01:47.000 --> 00:01:47.900 πŸ‘ 00:02:26.000 --> 00:02:26.900 are you talking yet michael? i am not hearing anything but can see the slides chaning.. 00:02:30.000 --> 00:02:30.900 changing 00:02:32.000 --> 00:02:32.900 Hi Sue 00:02:40.000 --> 00:02:40.900 Yes, we have audio 00:02:41.000 --> 00:02:41.900 yes Phill is talking 00:02:47.000 --> 00:02:47.900 I found I had to use the telephone connection 00:02:56.000 --> 00:02:56.900 Hmmm... no audio 00:02:59.000 --> 00:02:59.900 I've also used the telephone 00:03:06.000 --> 00:03:06.900 oh hi david bryant... 00:03:09.000 --> 00:03:09.900 Check your settings in your device 00:03:18.000 --> 00:03:18.900 i will try to dial in then 00:03:19.000 --> 00:03:19.900 my computer audio working. 00:03:25.000 --> 00:03:25.900 Yes, I am afraid I am not hearing anything either. The cog doesn't allow me to test the audio. BB usually works fine for me, so this is unusual. 00:03:26.000 --> 00:03:26.900 It's best to use Chrome.. to open the session 00:03:31.000 --> 00:03:31.900 You need to check the audio settings on your computer. The cog in BbC Ultra is just about your microphone and camera settings 00:03:43.000 --> 00:03:43.900 I'm in Safari. 00:03:44.000 --> 00:03:44.900 has it started? unable to hear any audio 00:03:57.000 --> 00:03:57.900 Yes Joanne 00:03:58.000 --> 00:03:58.900 audio working with firefox browser 00:03:59.000 --> 00:03:59.900 try Chrome rather than Safari 00:04:03.000 --> 00:04:03.900 Use Chrome for Collaborate Ultra. If you are on ipad don't use Safari 00:04:04.000 --> 00:04:04.900 No audio, no sound 00:04:05.000 --> 00:04:05.900 or firefox 00:04:13.000 --> 00:04:13.900 sorry. safari working perfectly. 00:04:17.000 --> 00:04:17.900 haha 00:04:20.000 --> 00:04:20.900 Chrome wasn't working for me, I dialled in via phone Chrome is fine 00:04:28.000 --> 00:04:28.900 Maybe there is an issue with the number of people and audio, might have to dial in as others are doing 00:04:33.000 --> 00:04:33.900 There might be an issue with sound relating to how many people are in the room. 00:04:43.000 --> 00:04:43.900 Collaborate don't work well over mobile 😞 00:04:51.000 --> 00:04:51.900 get out and get back in the session has worked And the time you joined the meeting? 00:04:52.000 --> 00:04:52.900 Agreed Chrome is fine 00:04:58.000 --> 00:04:58.900 @Phill, I wrote a book review for my brother in one night when he was in yr 8 AND HE DIDN'T PAY ME ANYTHING 00:05:01.000 --> 00:05:01.900 Can't hear anything? 00:05:08.000 --> 00:05:08.900 πŸ˜‚ poacher turned gamekeeper?! 00:05:31.000 --> 00:05:31.900 Looks like it! πŸ™‚ 00:05:36.000 --> 00:05:36.900 You can stay in this session on your computer, and use the phone for audio - go to the Cog Wheel in the bottom right conrer and you should see the option to use your phone for audio 00:05:39.000 --> 00:05:39.900 True confession time 00:05:53.000 --> 00:05:53.900 Awesome. Audio with Chrome! 00:05:54.000 --> 00:05:54.900 yes, drat it's recorded! 00:05:57.000 --> 00:05:57.900 In the meeting setting please allow audio/video So many parents - 00:06:02.000 --> 00:06:02.900 @Sheona πŸ™‚ 00:06:05.000 --> 00:06:05.900 I had to set up my audio twice and enable the microphone before I could hear anything - using an iPad. Sound is crackly to me. 00:06:10.000 --> 00:06:10.900 Hi @Rae 00:06:15.000 --> 00:06:15.900 it didn’t work on iPad 00:06:32.000 --> 00:06:32.900 I remeber castle building 00:06:36.000 --> 00:06:36.900 @Pablo ohh for audio you mean? 00:06:41.000 --> 00:06:41.900 by madam giselle yep 00:06:49.000 --> 00:06:49.900 Yep, my Mum finished sewing a seam for me In yr 5 while I cooked dinner. 00:06:58.000 --> 00:06:58.900 win-win Jo 00:07:00.000 --> 00:07:00.900 yep...had to change to chrome to get sound to work. 00:07:04.000 --> 00:07:04.900 My children always were marked down because I wouldn't do their school assessments 00:07:07.000 --> 00:07:07.900 audio is working so so on iPad and it doesn’t allow to test speaker, anyway I am listening 00:07:28.000 --> 00:07:28.900 glad you are able to hear Pablo 00:07:42.000 --> 00:07:42.900 Pablo, speaker has been muted by orgnaiser to preserve bandwidth 00:07:55.000 --> 00:07:55.900 Hi Asha 00:07:59.000 --> 00:07:59.900 Hi 00:08:01.000 --> 00:08:01.900 thanks I can see it 00:08:49.000 --> 00:08:49.900 Is that your google bubble? 00:09:06.000 --> 00:09:06.900 some students found a site that had a very similar url to the real Ac Skills 00:09:56.000 --> 00:09:56.900 Note! all the references for the citations in this session are already on the recording page http://taw.fi/29A2020 00:10:12.000 --> 00:10:12.900 Thanks for this link 00:10:24.000 --> 00:10:24.900 woah interesting! 00:10:32.000 --> 00:10:32.900 I can not hear, Is there any issue? 00:10:38.000 --> 00:10:38.900 Laurine, unfortunately lots of these sites try to make themselves look as though they are supported by institutions, often copying University logos to make it look more legitimate 00:10:51.000 --> 00:10:51.900 You should be able to hear Kishor 00:10:54.000 --> 00:10:54.900 Anyone who can't hear, go to the menu top left and dial in. oh Phill love the dad jokes πŸ˜€ 00:11:19.000 --> 00:11:19.900 Cory Doctorow??? 00:11:40.000 --> 00:11:40.900 It is important to be aware if allow e-assessment or proctoring tools, they can get scary analytics! Be careful with that 00:12:05.000 --> 00:12:05.900 I could not hear either so I am listening through my phone while watching on my laptop 00:12:45.000 --> 00:12:45.900 Can hear in chrome 00:12:46.000 --> 00:12:46.900 @Zelna try Chrome? I had no audio on Edge 00:12:57.000 --> 00:12:57.900 Newton's meta-analysis omitted Bretag et al.'s large study with only 2.2% commercial contract cheating and it's average was skewed by two odd outliers 00:12:58.000 --> 00:12:58.900 Do you have any stats for canada? 00:13:12.000 --> 00:13:12.900 is 'essays' a generic term here? 00:13:24.000 --> 00:13:24.900 I have some stats for Canada, for Engineering. 00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:35.900 where can it be found? 00:13:36.000 --> 00:13:36.900 Form recent conferences Canada hasn't engaged in a mass survey of the sort Bretag, et al did. 00:13:49.000 --> 00:13:49.900 Some of the McCabe publications were based on Canada 00:13:58.000 --> 00:13:58.900 Draft paper. I could send you it. I'm at sean.maw@usask.ca 00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:05.900 What's the percentage for Australia? 00:14:11.000 --> 00:14:11.900 The GEMS survey might help for different locations. 00:14:19.000 --> 00:14:19.900 Ok! Thank you! I will lok into it. 00:14:29.000 --> 00:14:29.900 p% for Australia is 6-7%, if I recall correctly 00:14:39.000 --> 00:14:39.900 https://www.academicintegrity.eu/wp/gems/ 00:15:08.000 --> 00:15:08.900 thanks Guy 00:15:23.000 --> 00:15:23.900 Perhaps we should set up a whole lot of web sites which look like contract cheating, but just give students the sort of help they could get from their university for free anyway. πŸ˜‰ 00:15:53.000 --> 00:15:53.900 Quick turnaround time just raises the price paid by students 00:16:00.000 --> 00:16:00.900 Yes, the Bretag work found 5.78% used some form of contract cheating in Australia. As Guy posted only 2.2% of this was related specifically to contracting out their assessment task (rather than getting help in impersonating exams for example) 00:16:03.000 --> 00:16:03.900 @Tom,, 😌 00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:15.900 24/7 service 00:16:16.000 --> 00:16:16.900 Great idea Tom. #2. Want to start ? 😜 Short timeframes just cost more. 00:16:22.000 --> 00:16:22.900 yes!!! having the 'short turn around times' argument at MQU now. people are plannign their unsupervised online quiz exams and trying to put tight turnarounds on them. students can pre-plan for some things! 00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:45.900 Kane, 6-7% was outsourcing 2.2% for comecrcial contract cheating from Bretag et al. My most recent paper had 3.5% for commercial contract cheating. The big problem is, these are self-report figures and we know that people under-report socially undesirable behaviour. 00:16:53.000 --> 00:16:53.900 @Mahew... too truee 00:17:03.000 --> 00:17:03.900 I'm already investigating cheating in exams with (arguably ridiculous) time limitations. 00:17:27.000 --> 00:17:27.900 Auckland Uni exams are for 24 hours. Plenty of time to find someone to do it!! 00:17:28.000 --> 00:17:28.900 Exams? Who still has exams? πŸ˜‰ 00:17:35.000 --> 00:17:35.900 all we have to do is think what we do when WE have very tight turnarounds? 00:17:49.000 --> 00:17:49.900 Didn't Melbourne uni doing something like that on a small scale. 00:17:52.000 --> 00:17:52.900 We did that as part of our concept testing before we bought remote proctoring 00:18:10.000 --> 00:18:10.900 @Guy soon enough we will hopefully have some hard numbers, but my investigations indicate higher numbers than 2.2%. 00:18:15.000 --> 00:18:15.900 We did a little trial run with Proctor U, trying to cheat the system. 00:18:18.000 --> 00:18:18.900 many unis in aust have shyed away from remote proctoring at this time. stuednts kicking up a stink too. 00:18:20.000 --> 00:18:20.900 "Available at all good bookshops!" 00:18:37.000 --> 00:18:37.900 Can you explain more about proctoring? 00:18:38.000 --> 00:18:38.900 Maybe the quality and method of filtering of students in entering an exam room could be examined? 00:18:41.000 --> 00:18:41.900 What was the outcome @john norris? 00:18:51.000 --> 00:18:51.900 Or maybe it was another uni - staff testing the breaching capability 00:18:58.000 --> 00:18:58.900 is designing open-book tasks the way forward? 00:19:02.000 --> 00:19:02.900 We're looking to try Proctorio in a small course this spring. 00:19:15.000 --> 00:19:15.900 The approach on our Master's course is to require that students reference online discussions, and their professional contexts, within their answers. Not an answer for all! 00:19:25.000 --> 00:19:25.900 Maybe a reflective task might help 00:19:33.000 --> 00:19:33.900 UNE is using Proctor U for all exams. 00:19:39.000 --> 00:19:39.900 Great article here on how to beat one company 00:19:44.000 --> 00:19:44.900 https://www.executiveacademics.com/single-post/2016/1/5/Beating-Cheating-and-Defeating-Online-Proctoring 00:19:45.000 --> 00:19:45.900 We were able to detect several cheaters in a recent remote exam, when they had used Chegg. As are UQ this semester 00:19:47.000 --> 00:19:47.900 Anyone looked at https://www.proctortrack.com/ 00:19:49.000 --> 00:19:49.900 substitution in f2f exams is relatively common, sadly, even with ID 00:19:59.000 --> 00:19:59.900 Maybe I'm naive, but the more applied and specific the task the more difficult it should be for a hired writer to produce a successful exam/assignment. 00:20:00.000 --> 00:20:00.900 We find that students outsource reflective tasks as well. 00:20:02.000 --> 00:20:02.900 The proctoring system I worked with "flags" student behaviors but then the school needs to go back and interrogate the students (which is a bit unrealistic unless the cheating is blatant) - so it seems as a deterrent, not a solution (in my opinion) 00:20:28.000 --> 00:20:28.900 Chegg.com πŸ‘Ή 00:20:33.000 --> 00:20:33.900 Stefan, unfortunately you can outsource anything @Stefan, I think it's almost easier 00:20:35.000 --> 00:20:35.900 Someone asked me the other day whether they could have an AI invigilated open-book exam! Why? 00:20:36.000 --> 00:20:36.900 I feel privileged to have been in a first year of 40 and a graduating year of 13. Our teachers knew us all so well, there was no way to 'impersonate' 00:20:41.000 --> 00:20:41.900 Can do. I'm an investigator, and not a researcher, and commercial contract cheating is taking up the bulk of my time. The more subtle iterations of commercial contract cheating are what we're dealing with now- "proofreading" and "editing" services, for example 00:20:48.000 --> 00:20:48.900 jo.. ha!! 00:20:52.000 --> 00:20:52.900 That is a good point Phillip 00:20:53.000 --> 00:20:53.900 Can you share your thoughts on the concept of making a pass/fail grade to decrease the pressure and thereby the likelihood of need to cheat? 00:21:17.000 --> 00:21:17.900 Require them to use specific local case studies rather than the big global org's like Amazon thae have squillions of essays already written on them 00:21:21.000 --> 00:21:21.900 Live video assessment interviews for 10-20 minutes each student can work as long as not too many students. 00:21:23.000 --> 00:21:23.900 Drop me a line nicola.mellor@cii.co.uk if you want to know more about our attempts to cheat-test different proctoring services. 00:21:36.000 --> 00:21:36.900 Thanks Nicola 00:21:51.000 --> 00:21:51.900 thanks Nicola 00:22:05.000 --> 00:22:05.900 does it also come down to what WE think they need to know vs what THEY think matters? @Jocelyn I've seen plenty of evidence that it doesn't work. What results is low quality work written by someone who has no exposure to that local environment 00:22:10.000 --> 00:22:10.900 COVID pass fail would benefit only low graders who just need to pass the course and have achieved any level of D. 00:22:39.000 --> 00:22:39.900 Aha, @Kane - thank you 00:22:41.000 --> 00:22:41.900 @Kym - collegues from Girrifh are talking about interactive oral assessments tomorrow 00:22:46.000 --> 00:22:46.900 So not an easy way for students on covid pass fail πŸ™‚ 00:23:09.000 --> 00:23:09.900 @Jocelyn, a recent example is essays discussing the Sydney opera house! 00:23:10.000 --> 00:23:10.900 I have students each do a different project, in stages, over the whole semester. This semester the task is to write a job application. https://blog.highereducationwhisperer.com/2019/08/learning-to-reflect-module-version-20.html 00:23:22.000 --> 00:23:22.900 In DCU we ran a full week around contract cheating (titled promoting academic integrity) last October and the student declaration walls were very popular and insightful 00:23:26.000 --> 00:23:26.900 Rae, would FOIP be aproblem with those? Freedom of information etc. 00:23:27.000 --> 00:23:27.900 mmmm are you just convincing the people who are least likely to take on contract cheating... 00:23:35.000 --> 00:23:35.900 thanks, Tom 00:23:39.000 --> 00:23:39.900 Lol, holy frijoles 00:23:45.000 --> 00:23:45.900 Social distancing? 00:23:47.000 --> 00:23:47.900 oh my!!! social distancing 00:23:49.000 --> 00:23:49.900 @Rae Why don’t some Uni’s make it compulsory for better identification on line students often there isn’t even a photo. Even interactive orals wouldn’t help in this caseAny ideas as to how to improve identification? Socially distanced! 00:23:52.000 --> 00:23:52.900 Attackers are injecting and repackaging the hacking tools with njRat, a powerful trojan, which gives the attacker full access to the target’s desktop, including files, passwords, and even access to their webcam and microphone. 00:23:56.000 --> 00:23:56.900 what a GREAT idea LOLOL 00:24:07.000 --> 00:24:07.900 @Ravdeep Freedom of Information re Oral assessments - you mean - can students access recordings of their interivews? 00:24:35.000 --> 00:24:35.900 yes thats what I meant 00:24:53.000 --> 00:24:53.900 Be careful and hire external hackers to track your future e-assessment proctory tool to identify your Universities issues and possible hacker attack 00:24:58.000 --> 00:24:58.900 Yes Phil! It really needs both. Offer a big carrot, and a bit of a stick. 00:25:29.000 --> 00:25:29.900 Can students assess for every other student in the class? 00:25:30.000 --> 00:25:30.900 There's no silver bullet. You have to tackle the problem with many different techniques at once. 00:25:32.000 --> 00:25:32.900 Another idea is the "reverse plagiarism detection" idea which detects that a student assignment matches their previous work rather than detecting if it is someone else's work. ie Detecting the right thing. 00:25:57.000 --> 00:25:57.900 speak softy and carry a gun (Al Capone) 00:25:59.000 --> 00:25:59.900 Yep, that is the new Turnitin software 00:26:03.000 --> 00:26:03.900 I like the 4 'Es' - Environment, Engineering, Education, and Enforcement. 00:26:06.000 --> 00:26:06.900 depending on the type of the assessment, students might not have access to their recordings... if there is an appeal then the recording is there to be viewed if need be.... some of the examples include a brief interview which is a justifiation of recommendations or conclusions in previous assignments the stiudent has submitted 00:26:10.000 --> 00:26:10.900 Turnitin Authorshio @Kym 00:26:14.000 --> 00:26:14.900 forensic linguistics 00:26:25.000 --> 00:26:25.900 Some are almost a role play eg loard meeting 00:26:27.000 --> 00:26:27.900 Thanks for the clarification rae 00:26:28.000 --> 00:26:28.900 board 00:26:31.000 --> 00:26:31.900 Like the idea of reverse plag detection πŸ‘ 😁 00:26:33.000 --> 00:26:33.900 really liked this approach https://insights.nursekillam.com/reflect/exam-design/ 00:27:02.000 --> 00:27:02.900 thanks for all these links - i will add them to the recording page πŸ™‚ keep them coming! 00:27:09.000 --> 00:27:09.900 that is scary... 00:27:11.000 --> 00:27:11.900 Cheating sites that cheat! 00:27:19.000 --> 00:27:19.900 we had one who got physically beaten up for not paying 00:27:23.000 --> 00:27:23.900 We had a contract cheating company contact the college because a student had not paid for their essay 00:27:24.000 --> 00:27:24.900 omg Not yet convinced by forensic linguistics, from the perspective that it's a case to be proven. From my experience there's not enough data in the AI to understand what is and isn't a student's work. 00:27:29.000 --> 00:27:29.900 @ Mark N. - surprising eh? 00:27:38.000 --> 00:27:38.900 @Richard Lander-Clarke. Watching manhunt unabomber on netflix made me feel cool about my role for a little while. Some great forensic linguistics in that one! 00:27:40.000 --> 00:27:40.900 Yorke et al publication link https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2020.1730313 00:27:47.000 --> 00:27:47.900 Absolutely agree we need both, and a good T&L environment, good teacher-student relations and good communication - so students are less likely to want to cheat but they know we know about cheating. 00:27:56.000 --> 00:27:56.900 Blackmail: declare an amnesty so that students who are being blackmailed can come forward. We deal with the cheating but in a more lenient way than if we had detected it. 00:28:04.000 --> 00:28:04.900 thanks, Rebecca 00:28:14.000 --> 00:28:14.900 https://www.scamnet.wa.gov.au/scamnet/Scam_types-Attempts_to_gain_your_personal_information-Phishing-Online_blackmail_scam_targets_students.htm Some providers of them also contact good students to write for them as ghost writer, corrupting those as well 00:28:18.000 --> 00:28:18.900 We did announce what amounted to an amnesty- not one response. @Bernie, good move 00:28:24.000 --> 00:28:24.900 that is interesting research there Phillip 00:28:37.000 --> 00:28:37.900 Some more useful resources: https://www.teqsa.gov.au/academic-integrity 00:29:02.000 --> 00:29:02.900 Please read out the comment that you are commenting πŸ™‚ 00:29:17.000 --> 00:29:17.900 agree - it needs a systems apprach from multiple perspectives to address contract cheating. 00:29:23.000 --> 00:29:23.900 Ray - it was from 'Jo' Absolutely agree we need both, and a good T&L environment, good teacher-student relations and good communication - so students are less likely to want to cheat but they know we know about cheating. 00:29:27.000 --> 00:29:27.900 Despite it being everywhere, there are students who have never considered it and as such "aren't aware" 00:29:55.000 --> 00:29:55.900 Thanks Rebecca πŸ™‚ 00:30:03.000 --> 00:30:03.900 We also need well scaffolded assessments with plenty opportunity to prepare and discuss, with exemplars, learning activities etc that set students up for success. They won't feel the need hopefully 00:30:22.000 --> 00:30:22.900 @Pauline that is what we hope for 00:30:26.000 --> 00:30:26.900 Agree, Pauline 00:30:32.000 --> 00:30:32.900 I agree Pauline, you also see the work in progress. 00:30:35.000 --> 00:30:35.900 Yes @kiata there are many who are shocked to learn that this happens 00:30:48.000 --> 00:30:48.900 @kiata staff as well @Pauline, yes... getting harder with low attendances 00:30:56.000 --> 00:30:56.900 hee hee like reality TV 00:31:02.000 --> 00:31:02.900 The problem, Pauline, is that as student numbers go up, it is harder to action. 00:31:16.000 --> 00:31:16.900 Heh, so at least the lie is their original work πŸ˜‰ @Sheona, yes, definitely also staff! 00:31:24.000 --> 00:31:24.900 Students are very good at making up reflection and it can be very hard to check 00:31:25.000 --> 00:31:25.900 @Laurine hi! Yes but we can do much online as well, in the LMS 00:31:28.000 --> 00:31:28.900 Question: anyone familiar with the state of "performance enhancing drugs" for writing exams at your institution? It's a growing problem in North America. 00:31:29.000 --> 00:31:29.900 I found reflection tasks to be quite honest and show student vulnerability and resilience. It might be because of the current context... 00:31:31.000 --> 00:31:31.900 Pauline, unfortunately some students will always fee the need to cheat, but I use scaffolded assessments and learning activities to make cheating harder. 00:31:38.000 --> 00:31:38.900 Aren't "traditional" f2f exams heavily weighted with short turnaround time. Is contract cheating a problem there, too? (impersonators) 00:31:53.000 --> 00:31:53.900 Some staff still think showing exemplars is cheating... 00:32:10.000 --> 00:32:10.900 Question - Can you share your thoughts on the concept of making a pass/fail grade to decrease the pressure and thereby the likelihood of need to cheat? Adam Holden 00:32:43.000 --> 00:32:43.900 Thank you 00:32:44.000 --> 00:32:44.900 pass fail offers safety blanket to anxiuos students 00:32:47.000 --> 00:32:47.900 @PP sure can... staff skilling up needed as well 00:32:51.000 --> 00:32:51.900 anxious 00:33:02.000 --> 00:33:02.900 @Tom yes also the type of questions can make a difference, more reflective questions, linked to previous assignments 00:33:11.000 --> 00:33:11.900 Viva voce via webcam, following ID check, must surely be the ultimate? 00:33:26.000 --> 00:33:26.900 I like exemplars and going through them... practice critiquing the exemplars 00:33:34.000 --> 00:33:34.900 This is the way how students cheat on online proctored exams.. 00:33:40.000 --> 00:33:40.900 Who looks like their ID? I hope I don't! 00:33:42.000 --> 00:33:42.900 I've got some data (paper mostly done) showing negative emotions like anxiety are related to increased academic integrity breaches. It builds of this: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10805-019-09343-3, so yes, take off the pressures where you can. 00:33:44.000 --> 00:33:44.900 One of the solution what I found is mentioned here. Hope this will help in designing a better online proctoring solution. Requirements: - 2 Laptops, - Friend, - an HDMI cord, and - a TV. You need to connect your laptop to the TV and ask your friend to Google the questions in order then use 1 finger to mean A and 2 to mean B etc….. Make sure you don’t talk to each other and your friend type quietly. Try not to look directly at them. 00:33:54.000 --> 00:33:54.900 Some employers are using GPA to decide who to interview for jobs 00:33:56.000 --> 00:33:56.900 i prefer using tools like kahoot which shows how well students are taking topic in and gives insight how their assessments would be. 00:34:04.000 --> 00:34:04.900 Pass/fail - yes. Old research by Gibbs & Lucas at Brookes Found you need to consider very few of the assessment tasks that students do to validly determine a final degree grade. So why grade all of them. 00:34:05.000 --> 00:34:05.900 @Mark - tomorrow's session will look at oral assessments 00:34:06.000 --> 00:34:06.900 We also need to see students work through and develop their assessments - drafting and editing What about students who just copy the exemplar model and do NOT think for themselves... even when their task should be reflective or demonstrate critical thinking.... 00:34:07.000 --> 00:34:07.900 DCU working on Erasmus project and produced a suite of resources to support academics design assessment to enhance academic integrity (including a set of twelve principles). All resources available on https://teuintegrityproject.wordpress.com/ 00:34:12.000 --> 00:34:12.900 Thanks Phil! πŸ™‚ 00:34:19.000 --> 00:34:19.900 Pablo, you have too much time on your hands.. 00:34:22.000 --> 00:34:22.900 Thanks Rae - I'll be there! 00:34:28.000 --> 00:34:28.900 Absolutely @Mark - Viva Voce and Interactive Orals are very difficult to purchase 00:34:31.000 --> 00:34:31.900 Thanks for sharing that Guy, I hadn't seen that before! 00:34:32.000 --> 00:34:32.900 The exemplar does not have to be on the exact same topic 00:34:36.000 --> 00:34:36.900 @IIzizka that is a challenge true 00:34:42.000 --> 00:34:42.900 @Mark - cool! 00:34:45.000 --> 00:34:45.900 Izizka, we had someone who did just that! Copied that the team would meet in a "magical Location". 00:34:52.000 --> 00:34:52.900 That's why examplars don't work.... 00:34:58.000 --> 00:34:58.900 Pens for hire doco: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-feed/pens-for-hire-how-students-cheat-and-how-they-get-away-with-it 00:35:16.000 --> 00:35:16.900 @guy thanks 00:35:29.000 --> 00:35:29.900 The challenge of proof naturally leads to the low number of reported cases. It's too difficult for the average (busy) academic! 00:35:30.000 --> 00:35:30.900 What was the field of research that gets students to understand quality again please? 00:35:31.000 --> 00:35:31.900 Happy to share, but it's a bit in-depth for a chat! Try me on twitter 00:35:36.000 --> 00:35:36.900 They try to FIT their work into another topic without critical reflection... 00:35:52.000 --> 00:35:52.900 Short marking turnarounds do not help 00:36:05.000 --> 00:36:05.900 @Loretta - Unfortunatley you can buy draft work too, including draft thesis chapters. 00:36:07.000 --> 00:36:07.900 Tasks using exemplars designed well shouldn't prompt cheating - the use of exemplars isn't about do this but more about developing evaluative judgement 00:36:25.000 --> 00:36:25.900 Thanks Rola 00:36:41.000 --> 00:36:41.900 I had a complex case which slowed down marking which was problematic 00:36:54.000 --> 00:36:54.900 @Rola yes agree 00:36:55.000 --> 00:36:55.900 Is this false negative, or false positive rate? 00:36:56.000 --> 00:36:56.900 @jo I find using Cadmus a great tool to see students working through an assessment 00:36:57.000 --> 00:36:57.900 It is not about cheating, It is the uncertainty that students have. They see the 'excellent' example and force their work to look like the example... 00:37:04.000 --> 00:37:04.900 How about students never log on iLearn but they submit their assignments with good marks? Which makes me think about they have someone else to do the studies for them. Any advice? 00:37:05.000 --> 00:37:05.900 @Izizka. I have seen so much of this... party due to fairly ordinary (..) assessment topic, wording, rubrics... 00:37:09.000 --> 00:37:09.900 How to prove that a student contract-cheated? 00:37:28.000 --> 00:37:28.900 Ah! Thanks. 00:37:41.000 --> 00:37:41.900 using one task for another 00:37:51.000 --> 00:37:51.900 @mano it's based on evidence. The more you have, the more easily you can spot anomalies, and anomalies require a response from the student 00:37:57.000 --> 00:37:57.900 mmmm that is a problem .... 00:38:02.000 --> 00:38:02.900 There's going to be an Investigator guide for contract cheating coming from TEQSA in an academic integrity toolkit due out mid-year. 00:38:14.000 --> 00:38:14.900 oh that is good to know Guy 00:38:32.000 --> 00:38:32.900 Fabulous to hear, @Guy 00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:34.900 I have seen this with much more complicated or original work as well. Once the anxious student (one worried about the grades or getting the best grade) sees the exemplar, they do everything to make their topic follow the example. 00:38:35.000 --> 00:38:35.900 Ta @Kane! 00:38:36.000 --> 00:38:36.900 @Rae, Phil gave some helpful feedback on it πŸ™‚ 00:38:38.000 --> 00:38:38.900 Hi Irene, it depends on your local policies but most places allow you to investigate cases after marks have been given. Never too late to investigate any suspicions you have 00:38:45.000 --> 00:38:45.900 I just googled how to cheat in Turnitin 😩 00:38:50.000 --> 00:38:50.900 do you think that the rise in talking about contract cheating might raise awareness of those 'not told to look for it' - since 2016/2018 00:38:58.000 --> 00:38:58.900 One of the difficult things for our markers is that they seem to spot contract cheating in the worst examples. E.g. the scammiest/buggiest/most hopeless sites. These sites are often used by our most vulnerable students. I have a feeling that this means our investigations come down on those students who are already most vulnerable... and it leaves the richer students (who can purchase better quality work) largely untouched. It's always good to give different levels of exemplars, even fails. I never give a D or HD example but we discuss how to make a Pass or Credit better. It is using them as a teaching tool. 00:38:59.000 --> 00:38:59.900 Great news @Guy 00:39:12.000 --> 00:39:12.900 When you trained markers, how much did the criteria for identifying cheating differ between disciplines? The paper implied differences but didn’t share detail (can see why). 00:39:19.000 --> 00:39:19.900 @Jenelle.. good idea 00:39:25.000 --> 00:39:25.900 Can exemplars possibly stifle student creativity so that they don't feel as in control of their work if you're suggesting they use your framework? 00:39:32.000 --> 00:39:32.900 We have students submitting PDFs which are images of text, TurnItIn can't read it, therefore doesn't detect anything 00:39:46.000 --> 00:39:46.900 Great point, Adam.. That, too... 00:39:53.000 --> 00:39:53.900 We stifle their creativity.... 00:39:55.000 --> 00:39:55.900 Telltale sign - "Running head" in the header of the word document 00:40:02.000 --> 00:40:02.900 Turnitin never seems to be able to pick up anything from journal articles etc. 00:40:20.000 --> 00:40:20.900 I don't accept any papers that are not word docs. I tell them they need to resubmit. 00:40:22.000 --> 00:40:22.900 @Matteo seems to me that if students are claiming authorship, they should also demonstrate provenance of the work. 00:40:36.000 --> 00:40:36.900 A pass/fail grading system would be beneficial for the students (I learned to do this in a Cert IV in T&A). But the current grading system in not set up for the students' benefit. It is to help academics select a few top students to go on to do research, and as a marketing tool. 00:40:41.000 --> 00:40:41.900 Ideally I would want students to submit every draft they worked on 00:40:45.000 --> 00:40:45.900 @Matteo, a quick look at the word count will reveal these. 00:41:03.000 --> 00:41:03.900 I do; I am pedantic in APA @Guy- who is putting the Contract Cheating toolkit together for TEQSA ? 00:41:12.000 --> 00:41:12.900 @Matteo, You can switch to Text-only report to see the raw text report. 00:41:15.000 --> 00:41:15.900 Examplars don't have to be at the highest standard. Examplars are just as useful if at a lower pass grade level and used alongside a rubric in an activity where students have to mark and give constructive feedback for improvement. 00:41:23.000 --> 00:41:23.900 referencing - can't students get it perfect by using EndNote, Zotero etc.? 00:41:25.000 --> 00:41:25.900 Ours seemed to have stopped using 'Running Head'. Word may have got out! 00:41:32.000 --> 00:41:32.900 @Greg, Tracey Bretag, Christine Slade, Margot McNeill, and me. 00:41:45.000 --> 00:41:45.900 usually, contact cheating papers just don't 'feel right' 00:41:47.000 --> 00:41:47.900 No automatic site does APA perfectly! 00:41:48.000 --> 00:41:48.900 Endnote and similar still get it wrong at times A mole? 00:41:51.000 --> 00:41:51.900 @Danielle πŸ‘ 00:41:54.000 --> 00:41:54.900 @Guy- thanks for that 00:41:55.000 --> 00:41:55.900 @Guy, any professional staff investigators? 00:42:02.000 --> 00:42:02.900 @suji: yes, truie but the similarity % comes out as low so doesn't flag up the essay as problematic 00:42:03.000 --> 00:42:03.900 Had an assignment with Running head last week - so it's still out there 00:42:04.000 --> 00:42:04.900 who are you? put your hand up! 00:42:05.000 --> 00:42:05.900 There are always small mistakes ... 00:42:12.000 --> 00:42:12.900 Metadata is something Turnitin's authorship can help automate - saves a lot of time for sure 00:42:19.000 --> 00:42:19.900 Contract cheating no different to other cheating - always easy to pick the bad ones. The uncertainty is about high-quality cheating (which would be more expensive, too). 00:42:22.000 --> 00:42:22.900 @andrew πŸ˜… 00:42:23.000 --> 00:42:23.900 0% similarity in TI rings alarm bells its like before turnitin - you got a gut feel that something was plagiarised (helped if you knew the student) 00:42:29.000 --> 00:42:29.900 @Kane, plenty of feedback from professonal staff, including some case studies written by professional staff. 00:42:34.000 --> 00:42:34.900 wrong terms are used from what you have discussed in class 00:42:40.000 --> 00:42:40.900 @guy good to hear 00:42:47.000 --> 00:42:47.900 @Rola - knowing the student is key! 00:42:58.000 --> 00:42:58.900 Absolutely @LaurenH 00:43:01.000 --> 00:43:01.900 or sudden discourse change, on paragraph strikingly dissimilar to the previous one 00:43:03.000 --> 00:43:03.900 I agree @Rola 00:43:05.000 --> 00:43:05.900 if students' work present with these indicators, their works already get a low grade, so is it still a matter to find out whether the students have contract cheating 00:43:17.000 --> 00:43:17.900 Knowing the student is tricky when it's an online delivery course. 00:43:19.000 --> 00:43:19.900 Guy - anything about maths/science calculations? 00:43:23.000 --> 00:43:23.900 the "not addressing the question" can also indiciate an attempt to use rote learning to attempt tasks requiring higher order thinking 00:43:27.000 --> 00:43:27.900 Question - Jo - When you trained markers, how much did the criteria for identifying cheating differ between disciplines? The paper implied differences but didn’t share detail (can see why). 00:44:08.000 --> 00:44:08.900 it is currently free! 00:44:12.000 --> 00:44:12.900 Katherine, these principles apply very well to Engineering. Likely science as well. 00:44:15.000 --> 00:44:15.900 @Katherine, it is harder to detect contract cheating for non-text assignments 😞 more of the indicators are technological (and may be inaccessible) 00:44:17.000 --> 00:44:17.900 there's a big gap between detecting and proving 00:44:27.000 --> 00:44:27.900 Suspicious - table of contents and reference list are an image 00:44:28.000 --> 00:44:28.900 How do we know the book is actually their work? 00:44:34.000 --> 00:44:34.900 gotta start believing in karma 00:44:49.000 --> 00:44:49.900 Guy, the same principles apply. I've had 20 years of practice. They work. 00:44:51.000 --> 00:44:51.900 One of my watch out indicators - Turnitin match score of 0% ie no use of common phrases in the discipline. 00:44:53.000 --> 00:44:53.900 @mark - πŸ˜… 00:45:01.000 --> 00:45:01.900 @Sean, great to know. @Mark, a ghost writer wrote it for them 00:45:05.000 --> 00:45:05.900 latest APA7 got rid of place of publication for books - global publishing 00:45:21.000 --> 00:45:21.900 @Guy - it is also harder to find contract cheaters to do non-text work 00:45:32.000 --> 00:45:32.900 Kate, yes the burden of proof can often hold people back from submitting cases. That's why it's important to make sure policies are supportive of the detection methods and are transparent around burden of proof (balance of probabilities usually for universities) Other indicators may be: perfect formatting, professional writing, very different from normal language that student uses in class, zero similarity (0% turnitin) 00:45:37.000 --> 00:45:37.900 As an investigator, I'd be interested in whether contract cheating companies provide a list of responses that students can use when they are asked to respond. E.g. I see, 'If I did contract cheat, then why didn't I get better marks' LOTS 00:45:52.000 --> 00:45:52.900 @Lachlan hey! 00:45:57.000 --> 00:45:57.900 Johnson, C., Davies, R. Using Digital Forensic Techniques to Identify Contract Cheating: A Case Study. J Acad Ethics (2020). https://doi-org.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/10.1007/s10805-019-09358-w 00:46:07.000 --> 00:46:07.900 Lachlan, I have seen these before. 00:46:14.000 --> 00:46:14.900 Viva - YES! @Guy I think if you ask mathematicians, we can tell you a bit - but often seems to be overlooked or "too hard" 00:46:17.000 --> 00:46:17.900 @Kane hiya! Just writing you a thank you email. πŸ™‚ 00:46:31.000 --> 00:46:31.900 With tech work e.g. Engineering, a great way to catch the cheaters is to get them to explain their poached answers. 00:46:36.000 --> 00:46:36.900 That's amazing! 00:46:47.000 --> 00:46:47.900 http://taw.fi/30apr2020 00:46:49.000 --> 00:46:49.900 I completely agree that Vivas are the way 00:46:50.000 --> 00:46:50.900 It just takes time/effort. 00:47:00.000 --> 00:47:00.900 Hard with large courses 00:47:06.000 --> 00:47:06.900 Agree - we use vivas 00:47:09.000 --> 00:47:09.900 I love asking students to explain areas in their essay and they can't. Definitely a sign that they did not write it. 00:47:10.000 --> 00:47:10.900 @Lachlan I didn’t cheat. I just had someone correct my English (which is cheating anyway unless explicitly permitted and declared) 00:47:12.000 --> 00:47:12.900 Thanks Phillip - We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night! 00:47:21.000 --> 00:47:21.900 10 times the effort to charge someone than to just mark them down! Program-wide approach 00:47:29.000 --> 00:47:29.900 If you do vivas randomly, it is not overwhelming and quite a deterrent 00:47:32.000 --> 00:47:32.900 Yes, large classes are hard. But you have to use multiple approaches to discourage cheating. Really the best idea. 00:47:34.000 --> 00:47:34.900 It is also a good way of seeking info about suspected cases - if the student is not able to explain any aspect of their assignment, or much, is good grounds not to accept the work for assessment. It would need a suitable policy base in your university. Doesn't need to take long... you can quickly work out whether someone's faking it, and probing is easy 00:47:35.000 --> 00:47:35.900 This is a great resource: https://cheatingandassessment.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/EDUCATOR-RESOURCE-Substantiating-contract-cheating.pdf 00:47:38.000 --> 00:47:38.900 In my law degree in France, I was asked to do oral viva for my electives and also for a whole semester of classes ( across courses) 00:47:47.000 --> 00:47:47.900 @Sean and @Linda - we are paying TAs to mark written exams anyway, so shouldn't be any more difficult or costly. 00:47:49.000 --> 00:47:49.900 can you share your slides 00:47:58.000 --> 00:47:58.900 We have tested interactive orals at scale and have a process that is more than manageable. 00:48:19.000 --> 00:48:19.900 @Danielle.. give! @Danielle, how might I learn more...? 00:48:23.000 --> 00:48:23.900 Fantastic presentation. Thank you! Hi Danielle πŸ™‚ 00:48:34.000 --> 00:48:34.900 http://philldawson.com/ta-cheating 00:48:38.000 --> 00:48:38.900 live link! 00:48:44.000 --> 00:48:44.900 Hi Rae πŸ˜€ 00:48:46.000 --> 00:48:46.900 thank you! 00:48:48.000 --> 00:48:48.900 How do orals apply for maths based courses? 00:48:50.000 --> 00:48:50.900 Thanks Phil 00:49:01.000 --> 00:49:01.900 great presentation thank you 00:49:06.000 --> 00:49:06.900 Thanks for the session all 00:49:07.000 --> 00:49:07.900 Thanks for the presentation. 00:49:08.000 --> 00:49:08.900 Thank you and the plug for CRADLE! πŸ˜„ 00:49:09.000 --> 00:49:09.900 Yes Orals apply to numeracy and literacy-based courses 00:49:10.000 --> 00:49:10.900 Hi @Sheona Yes, program level assessment is so important. ATN focus was meant to be on that this year - till COVID came along. 00:49:14.000 --> 00:49:14.900 Thank you 00:49:16.000 --> 00:49:16.900 Thanks for the presentation! 00:49:18.000 --> 00:49:18.900 @Linda - I guess it depends on what you are assessing Thank you! Interesting and helpful. Have a good day/night! 00:49:20.000 --> 00:49:20.900 thanks very much 00:49:22.000 --> 00:49:22.900 Thanks Phil! 00:49:24.000 --> 00:49:24.900 @linda they can explain how they have solved the problem 00:49:26.000 --> 00:49:26.900 @Linda - maths is not computing one number, it is udnerstanding what the number means - easy to talk about. 00:49:29.000 --> 00:49:29.900 Thanks Phill, excellent Hi @Jo thank you 00:49:31.000 --> 00:49:31.900 Thanks Phil - great presentation! 00:49:33.000 --> 00:49:33.900 Thanks Phil πŸ™‚ great webinar 😁 iam just putitng the lats slide on! 00:49:34.000 --> 00:49:34.900 Thanks Phil. Very interesting presentation. 00:49:39.000 --> 00:49:39.900 ANU TechLauncher, we have students use tools which timestamp every change to their work during the course. Thanks You! Great Insights 00:49:41.000 --> 00:49:41.900 Thank you great webinar. Thank you! 00:49:42.000 --> 00:49:42.900 Thank you great presentation 00:49:43.000 --> 00:49:43.900 Sad we aren't in the ATN any more ☹ Thank you Phil 00:49:44.000 --> 00:49:44.900 key question is what changes about cheating (of all forms) in an online space 00:49:50.000 --> 00:49:50.900 Excellent, food for thought, thank you Phil. 00:50:00.000 --> 00:50:00.900 Incredible presentation 00:50:03.000 --> 00:50:03.900 Vivas can apply to all courses... they only require a little probing with the student required to explain their reasoning 00:50:10.000 --> 00:50:10.900 Can we get a copy of the slides? 00:50:11.000 --> 00:50:11.900 please fill our feedback survey too ... some questions may be a bit odd for this session tho! http://taw.fi/feedback Registration for the Interactive Oral Session tomorrow night can be accessed here: http://transformingassessment.com/civicrm/event/info?id=146 00:50:13.000 --> 00:50:13.900 I think making the students aware we know a lot about contract cheating might change some perspective. They think we're old and don't 'get' it. 00:50:17.000 --> 00:50:17.900 Thank you! 00:50:22.000 --> 00:50:22.900 @Tom 2, I'd love to know about the timestamp 00:50:37.000 --> 00:50:37.900 Exactly! 00:50:39.000 --> 00:50:39.900 Thanks Phil - that makes sense 00:50:41.000 --> 00:50:41.900 Is anyone doing spot-checking with viva, and is this even defensible (if not all students will have to do it)? Thanks, Phil and all in the chat very helpful presentation and chat discussion. Can you share the chat with the slides? 00:50:47.000 --> 00:50:47.900 The parents and friends factor is still significant 00:50:50.000 --> 00:50:50.900 what was the link for the PhD research? I wasn't able to click the link before the slide changed 00:50:52.000 --> 00:50:52.900 @Sheona Yes, we miss you. 00:50:56.000 --> 00:50:56.900 Thanks Phill for the presentation! 00:51:00.000 --> 00:51:00.900 thanks so much Phil for sharing your wealth of research in this area 00:51:02.000 --> 00:51:02.900 http://taw.fi/feedback 00:51:05.000 --> 00:51:05.900 https://blogs.deakin.edu.au/cradle/2020/04/29/cradle-phd-opportunity-for-domestic-students/ very good, thank you 00:51:12.000 --> 00:51:12.900 Cheers and thanks. So much excellent info to consider Phil! 00:51:13.000 --> 00:51:13.900 Thank Phil, very informative 00:51:15.000 --> 00:51:15.900 Thank you so much, Phil. 00:51:16.000 --> 00:51:16.900 Many thanks Phil 00:51:22.000 --> 00:51:22.900 thanks, phill - and everyone! 00:51:24.000 --> 00:51:24.900 A hugely informative and helpful webinar - thank you @laurine...thank you 00:51:26.000 --> 00:51:26.900 Thank you. 00:51:29.000 --> 00:51:29.900 Thank you - very useful! 00:51:30.000 --> 00:51:30.900 Thank you 00:51:31.000 --> 00:51:31.900 Fantastic session. Our instiution is very behind the curve on this. 00:51:33.000 --> 00:51:33.900 Thanks Phil and others 00:51:34.000 --> 00:51:34.900 Very useful information 00:51:35.000 --> 00:51:35.900 Thank you Phil and Mathew, very useful! 00:51:36.000 --> 00:51:36.900 Thank you, that was very interesting and informative 00:51:38.000 --> 00:51:38.900 That was so informative and useful, Phil. Thank you! 00:51:45.000 --> 00:51:45.900 excellent! thank you Thank you! It's bee great. 00:51:48.000 --> 00:51:48.900 Thank you. Very helpful. 00:51:53.000 --> 00:51:53.900 Many thanks - very interesting. 00:51:55.000 --> 00:51:55.900 Thanks Phill, that was great! 00:51:56.000 --> 00:51:56.900 Agree on parents and friends - and that many parents would not think of themselves as private contract cheating providers. 00:51:57.000 --> 00:51:57.900 many thanks 00:51:58.000 --> 00:51:58.900 so much food for thought.... 00:52:05.000 --> 00:52:05.900 thanks very much Phill 00:52:06.000 --> 00:52:06.900 Excellent food for thought - thank you! Great presentation Phill, Thank you very much πŸ‘ 00:52:18.000 --> 00:52:18.900 http://taw.fi/feedback 00:52:20.000 --> 00:52:20.900 So true Matt 00:52:22.000 --> 00:52:22.900 Thank you. This was great. Lots of great things to think about more Thank you! Oh, no, that's not what most maths people are doing - I surveyed 28 depts., and most ARE changing their exams, Matthew 00:52:23.000 --> 00:52:23.900 Thank you to both Phill and Mathew. 00:52:24.000 --> 00:52:24.900 Thanks. Interesting and informative 00:52:27.000 --> 00:52:27.900 Thanks Phil. Really value your work. 00:52:28.000 --> 00:52:28.900 Thanks πŸ™‚ 00:52:36.000 --> 00:52:36.900 Many thanks Phil! 00:52:41.000 --> 00:52:41.900 Thanks so much. Session helpful. Given me so much to think and act upon, going forward 00:52:42.000 --> 00:52:42.900 Thank you. I am wondering about the training ... 00:52:44.000 --> 00:52:44.900 Great webinar thank Phillip and Matthew 00:52:45.000 --> 00:52:45.900 That was great thank you 00:52:47.000 --> 00:52:47.900 Thank you @Mathew Hillier, those who don't have a good understanding of technology also think that watching someone via a webcam is sufficient to invigilate. Sigh 00:52:48.000 --> 00:52:48.900 Thanks from HKU! 00:52:52.000 --> 00:52:52.900 the info would be in the references 00:52:53.000 --> 00:52:53.900 Very informative session. Thank you 00:52:54.000 --> 00:52:54.900 thanks so much Phil- this was really helpful 00:52:55.000 --> 00:52:55.900 ?? 00:52:56.000 --> 00:52:56.900 Thanks Phil. Appreciated. 00:52:57.000 --> 00:52:57.900 Thank you. Really interesting and practical, helpful information. 00:52:58.000 --> 00:52:58.900 great session - very informative 00:52:59.000 --> 00:52:59.900 Thank you. Very helpful. 00:53:00.000 --> 00:53:00.900 How do we get hold of the recorded session? 00:53:01.000 --> 00:53:01.900 Great Presentation and very insightful. Thank you 00:53:02.000 --> 00:53:02.900 Thanks - very useful! 00:53:04.000 --> 00:53:04.900 Thanks @Sheona for the link. Great read. Thanks Phil! 00:53:10.000 --> 00:53:10.900 Many thanks Phil. 00:53:11.000 --> 00:53:11.900 Is there any evidence that allowing students to β€œcollaborate”or even β€œcollude” will diminish contract cheating? 00:53:14.000 --> 00:53:14.900 Thank you Thanks Phil Thanks guys! πŸ™ 00:53:15.000 --> 00:53:15.900 Thank you! 00:53:19.000 --> 00:53:19.900 http://taw.fi/feedback 00:53:20.000 --> 00:53:20.900 Thank you Phil πŸ‘ 00:53:26.000 --> 00:53:26.900 IS there any data for whether students use cc sites more than once? 00:53:27.000 --> 00:53:27.900 @Adam.. oh yes! @Jen, love to know that 00:53:41.000 --> 00:53:41.900 There will be some more international research outcomes coming soon from the (Global Essay Mills Survey) GEMS project soon, thanks for the earlier plug Guy. http://www.academicintegrity.eu/wp/gems/ 00:53:55.000 --> 00:53:55.900 πŸ‘ 00:53:59.000 --> 00:53:59.900 Do the online proctoring companies have someting to hide? 00:54:01.000 --> 00:54:01.900 I will contact you - would love to try this at our institution in Switzerland 00:54:04.000 --> 00:54:04.900 Thank you so much. This was a wonderful session! 00:54:11.000 --> 00:54:11.900 Thanks Phill, definitely a lot to consider! 00:54:13.000 --> 00:54:13.900 How about training students ourselves about CC? i.e. expose the problems like quality of writing, potential blackmailing etc? 00:54:18.000 --> 00:54:18.900 White hat hacking. 00:54:19.000 --> 00:54:19.900 perhaps we need mandatory reporting like we do in cyber security now 00:54:20.000 --> 00:54:20.900 Penetration testing 00:54:28.000 --> 00:54:28.900 White hat proctoring! 00:54:32.000 --> 00:54:32.900 If you had a survey that you wanted to have students take all around the world, to see how this problem manifests itself internationally, I'd be game to play in Canada. 00:54:36.000 --> 00:54:36.900 I'd like to know how you move from suspicion to proof. I mean how can you prove the submission was purchased. 00:54:37.000 --> 00:54:37.900 The problem Matt, is that not everyone does that! 00:54:38.000 --> 00:54:38.900 We have lost all our normal checks and balances in the move online. We are running a foundation program and normally the small classes, the relationship building, the in-class activities reduce the contract cheating. All of that has just disappeared and we are being pressured into running the same course in a completely new context. 00:54:42.000 --> 00:54:42.900 Thanks for the session. Lots to consider and great links shared in the chat. Will try and find the time to check them all out. 00:54:47.000 --> 00:54:47.900 But if someone found a serious weakness it could be very bad PR for their proctoring model 00:55:01.000 --> 00:55:01.900 FYI: UWA are trying to block access to contract cheating services from uni IP addresses - i.e., on-campus computers. Other places are doing it too. It's a small step but helpful. 00:55:08.000 --> 00:55:08.900 Thanks Sean, we tried to get traction in Canada and didn't at the time, feel free to get in touch rebecca.awdry@deakin.edu.au 00:55:16.000 --> 00:55:16.900 yes, matthew, I think that cheating and "hacking" can come from the same motives about taking risks etc 00:55:18.000 --> 00:55:18.900 PS often questionable employment practices by these companies 00:55:22.000 --> 00:55:22.900 Very helpful session thankyou! 00:55:40.000 --> 00:55:40.900 but the students can still access from home 00:55:46.000 --> 00:55:46.900 (the proctoring companies I mean) do you think that the new legislation (suggested) will have an impact ? 00:55:47.000 --> 00:55:47.900 Use a VPN to access a contract cheating site! 00:55:49.000 --> 00:55:49.900 hard to do that now we are all off campus! 00:55:54.000 --> 00:55:54.900 Pretty sure we allow, but monitor I might ahve an 'in' to a proctoring company for your white hat testing 00:55:57.000 --> 00:55:57.900 It's not just the company's model, it's the infinite variation of the proctoring rules you have them put in place for you - e.g. do you allow a drink in the exam? 00:55:59.000 --> 00:55:59.900 The catch is that blocking works only while the student is on Eduroam. Once they go home, they can just go there. 00:56:07.000 --> 00:56:07.900 cyber security simply point out the cost of breaches...perhaps some research to determine the cost of contract cheating - in real dollar figures. Can't the government block those sites ? Thank you 00:56:15.000 --> 00:56:15.900 Yes, listing sources of help and not just blocking is a good way to go. 00:56:17.000 --> 00:56:17.900 Blocking sites is like locking the front door. It will stop someone trying to break in if it is easy, but not if they want to kick the door down. 00:56:22.000 --> 00:56:22.900 Do you think driving it underground is a good strategy? Might make it more attractive to some. 00:56:31.000 --> 00:56:31.900 you can alert TEQSA to sites you find 00:56:42.000 --> 00:56:42.900 Also interested in authorship identification software - how contract cheating providers will use advances in machine learning to circumvent this progress. 00:56:45.000 --> 00:56:45.900 @Guy - it's more of a paper front door, though. 00:56:58.000 --> 00:56:58.900 Thank you so much for an excellent session. 00:57:04.000 --> 00:57:04.900 @Phill sure did! 00:57:06.000 --> 00:57:06.900 Thanks Phill, you have alerted me to some indicators of contract cheating when I previously had no idea! But I keep coming back to the same point, a focus on student learning (fair and transparent assesment task with timely support) will go along way to ameliorate contract cheating...but the challenge is the 1500 students enrolled in our units 00:57:10.000 --> 00:57:10.900 who come nothing has been mentioned about fines 00:57:14.000 --> 00:57:14.900 Many thanks for an insightful presentation - lots of things to think about 00:57:15.000 --> 00:57:15.900 Your tweets on the legislation were hysterical. Loved following them 00:57:36.000 --> 00:57:36.900 Thanks Phillip and Mathew. 00:57:45.000 --> 00:57:45.900 SIlk road was shut down on the dark web, and other came up like mushrooms 00:58:00.000 --> 00:58:00.900 There will probably just be a lot of phoenix cheating services. 00:58:23.000 --> 00:58:23.900 http://taw.fi/feedback 00:58:27.000 --> 00:58:27.900 Symbolical laws are still beneficial - just the recognition of contract cheating by the Government can help change norms and helps students understand why it's a problem - even if it is just in terms of legality. 00:58:43.000 --> 00:58:43.900 I agree Kiata 00:58:44.000 --> 00:58:44.900 @Asha - which uni are you from? 00:58:51.000 --> 00:58:51.900 RMIT - Asha Rao Thanks for the session Phill 00:59:03.000 --> 00:59:03.900 Assoc Dean, Maths 00:59:06.000 --> 00:59:06.900 Hi Sharon πŸ™‚ 00:59:10.000 --> 00:59:10.900 Would be interesting if we had figures for increase in whistleblowing. 00:59:13.000 --> 00:59:13.900 Hi Sue 00:59:30.000 --> 00:59:30.900 Thank you so much for this session. 00:59:38.000 --> 00:59:38.900 It's a minefield @Asha! 00:59:39.000 --> 00:59:39.900 Sharon, where are you from? 00:59:41.000 --> 00:59:41.900 Thanks again, see you later. 00:59:43.000 --> 00:59:43.900 Thank you . very good session SCU 00:59:45.000 --> 00:59:45.900 Thanks - bye 00:59:52.000 --> 00:59:52.900 What about contract cheating in other languages??? 00:59:57.000 --> 00:59:57.900 How about students dobbing in peers? 01:00:02.000 --> 01:00:02.900 Thank you so much - this was so informative! I had no idea how predatory these services can be! 01:00:04.000 --> 01:00:04.900 Then translated into English? Any studies on this? 01:00:06.000 --> 01:00:06.900 Thank you 01:00:16.000 --> 01:00:16.900 What about contract translation of authentic work? 01:00:19.000 --> 01:00:19.900 thank you 01:00:20.000 --> 01:00:20.900 Thanks, bye 01:00:22.000 --> 01:00:22.900 Sharon, USA then? 21 languages 01:00:24.000 --> 01:00:24.900 Thank you so much for the webinar 01:00:33.000 --> 01:00:33.900 Thanks Phill. You certainly managed to pack a lot into your presentation. Can't wait for your book to be published. 01:00:39.000 --> 01:00:39.900 Yes... 01:00:43.000 --> 01:00:43.900 No - SCU Australia πŸ˜€ 01:00:45.000 --> 01:00:45.900 I've had a few back-translated... not even checked! it was illiterta 01:00:46.000 --> 01:00:46.900 That is what I was saying 01:00:48.000 --> 01:00:48.900 Ha haha 01:00:51.000 --> 01:00:51.900 illiterate It's also called 'washing' 01:00:54.000 --> 01:00:54.900 THat is a whole other discussion Phil 01:01:05.000 --> 01:01:05.900 Students also use text-spinning! 01:01:30.000 --> 01:01:30.900 Microsoft word has a grammarly-like tool now Posters on campus in other languages are not always easy to spot 01:01:34.000 --> 01:01:34.900 called 'rewrite' 01:01:36.000 --> 01:01:36.900 That is known as back-translation usually. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2014.950553 Jones and Sheridan 01:01:48.000 --> 01:01:48.900 Thanks Rebecca! 01:01:49.000 --> 01:01:49.900 Thanks Rebecca 01:01:50.000 --> 01:01:50.900 Just doesnt use a washing machine 01:01:54.000 --> 01:01:54.900 thanks Rebecca 01:02:10.000 --> 01:02:10.900 Anyone aware of drug doping on your campuses when writing exams? please fill our feedback http://taw.fi/feedback 01:02:12.000 --> 01:02:12.900 @ Ellen McIntyre - I have seen a lot of that. Also posters on WeChat and other social media 01:02:15.000 --> 01:02:15.900 What about Moodle logs and detection of assignments being uploaded from overseas when the student is located in Australia. 01:02:16.000 --> 01:02:16.900 Interesting. Thanks 01:02:36.000 --> 01:02:36.900 Will "digital" posters (e.g. WeChat, geographically targeted "near me") also be criminal? 01:02:39.000 --> 01:02:39.900 Hard to differentiate between posters for genuine tutoring services and contract cheating services is difficult. 01:02:40.000 --> 01:02:40.900 has there been any confirmation of when the legislation will be in effect? 01:02:52.000 --> 01:02:52.900 Thank you! Great webinar! 01:02:55.000 --> 01:02:55.900 Have to head now. Thank you so much Phill and Matthew. See you again in the morning 01:02:58.000 --> 01:02:58.900 @Aysen @Phil does that happen very often when someone else uploads the paper for the student? 01:03:03.000 --> 01:03:03.900 Thanks Phil, Matthew. Great webinar. Inspired me to persevere in calling out cheating when I see it. 01:03:14.000 --> 01:03:14.900 Aysen, that just provides you with more evidence to add to your burden of proof that it is likely to have been written by someone else 01:03:25.000 --> 01:03:25.900 It happens including conduct of quizzes. 01:03:31.000 --> 01:03:31.900 Thank you! Great session. Thanks for the insights! 01:03:39.000 --> 01:03:39.900 Agree Bernie - it is hard to differentiate between tutoring posters and contract cheating - any tips? 01:03:43.000 --> 01:03:43.900 ha ha, we just had glucose tablets through our finals 01:03:47.000 --> 01:03:47.900 oh ok thatnks @Aysen 01:03:49.000 --> 01:03:49.900 @Bernie, yes 01:04:49.000 --> 01:04:49.900 Any estimation of the extent of contract cheating in Australia? 01:04:50.000 --> 01:04:50.900 We have legislation now in Ireland which makes it a criminal offence to supply these services - defined in the Act 01:05:00.000 --> 01:05:00.900 there's some interseting stuff from the University of Sheffield on proofreading, and what's over the line - interviews with proofreaders 01:05:02.000 --> 01:05:02.900 WE have also had tutors complaining to us that the students they are working with trying to push them into doing the work for them. 01:05:04.000 --> 01:05:04.900 hard heads might say that those 'advertising' on campus haven't paid for the space, so it is all fair game for removal 01:05:15.000 --> 01:05:15.900 @Rebecca - yes it is. I added it to chat as I couldn't see any mention here. 01:05:16.000 --> 01:05:16.900 Thanks you - great session. 01:05:17.000 --> 01:05:17.900 Ricardo there are stats right at the top of the chat on Australian figures 01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:36.900 I wory about the editing of thesis 01:05:48.000 --> 01:05:48.900 Thanks 01:05:53.000 --> 01:05:53.900 @Asha 01:06:07.000 --> 01:06:07.900 Hi Laurine 01:06:08.000 --> 01:06:08.900 just trying to dig it out! 01:06:46.000 --> 01:06:46.900 we had a supervisor who said it was 'her job' to rewrite the thesis.. even to conclusions etc' 01:06:51.000 --> 01:06:51.900 The distinction between technical proofing tools (Grammarly etc.) and 'in-person cheating' is going to become increasingly blurry. 01:06:54.000 --> 01:06:54.900 Thank you so much. Keep working for the better society. 01:07:21.000 --> 01:07:21.900 Many thanks 01:07:31.000 --> 01:07:31.900 unreal 01:07:52.000 --> 01:07:52.900 might micro-credentialling be a way forward? 01:08:01.000 --> 01:08:01.900 Thank you - great presentation! 01:08:04.000 --> 01:08:04.900 Thank you for the insights! 01:08:15.000 --> 01:08:15.900 Not really. Ss just do it an yet another hurdle 01:08:38.000 --> 01:08:38.900 We have a AI micro - no help at all 01:08:54.000 --> 01:08:54.900 Also - if you think about authentic assessment, it is legitimate to use Grammarly (or, for example, Matlab or other technical tools). The question is what are real valid assessment questions to ask. 01:09:08.000 --> 01:09:08.900 as long as this doesn't spread to pilot training... 01:09:41.000 --> 01:09:41.900 Does anyone have any good resources on forensic linguistics and contract cheating? 01:09:48.000 --> 01:09:48.900 do open source courses (like coursera) have the same instances of contract cheating? 01:09:54.000 --> 01:09:54.900 or authorship, I should have written. 01:10:18.000 --> 01:10:18.900 Oral assessment are great for many aspects - unfortunately in UK we have huge pressures due to spike in student numbers on programmes and academics could not cope with time consuming oral exams 01:10:20.000 --> 01:10:20.900 Blaock chain is not really what it is touited to be. Check out Ethereum history 01:10:43.000 --> 01:10:43.900 Kelly, interesting question, I've never seen any data on their rates from those education providers. Would be a great study! 01:11:14.000 --> 01:11:14.900 @Matteo - the session tomorrow night will show you how we are implementing oral assessments at scale - assessment design and a straightforward booking and examining process is key. 01:11:17.000 --> 01:11:17.900 Found it -Found it - prooferading.  Harwood and AustinJournal of Second Language Writing 18(3):166-190 Β· September 2009  DOI: 10.1016/j.jslw.2009.05.002 01:11:26.000 --> 01:11:26.900 thanks Alice! 01:11:43.000 --> 01:11:43.900 Yep, that 01:11:56.000 --> 01:11:56.900 Yes, that's why we allow students to use calculators 01:12:36.000 --> 01:12:36.900 assess them on how they use the shovel πŸ™‚ 01:12:52.000 --> 01:12:52.900 not penalise them on using the shovel... 01:13:21.000 --> 01:13:21.900 Thank you very much - really useful 01:14:08.000 --> 01:14:08.900 so much for Bloom...1st yr uni nursing science exam asking them to label a cell 'because it's easy to mark' 01:14:09.000 --> 01:14:09.900 Nice, Rae! 01:14:59.000 --> 01:14:59.900 @laurine 😞 01:15:03.000 --> 01:15:03.900 I would ask what would happen if the mitochondria were missing... 01:15:21.000 --> 01:15:21.900 don't get sick is our mantra 😎 01:15:28.000 --> 01:15:28.900 nice reframing Janet 01:15:36.000 --> 01:15:36.900 Good mantra Laurine πŸ˜‰ 01:15:42.000 --> 01:15:42.900 indeed, janret! 01:16:28.000 --> 01:16:28.900 πŸ˜‚ 01:16:37.000 --> 01:16:37.900 Mathew, yes!! 01:16:41.000 --> 01:16:41.900 πŸ˜‚ 01:16:50.000 --> 01:16:50.900 What about workload for committees and consideration of cases if we are suddenly detecting a lot more? Is there benefit in developing a standard model to consider the evidence and get it through with the least pain? 01:17:09.000 --> 01:17:09.900 Isnt that wikipedia? 01:17:13.000 --> 01:17:13.900 @Rebecca, yes that is good πŸ˜‰ 01:17:53.000 --> 01:17:53.900 Does anyone have good templates/checklists? 01:18:01.000 --> 01:18:01.900 There is considerable variation in what is considered "proof" in this space 01:18:19.000 --> 01:18:19.900 Our university is working on a checklist for academics to review their assessment plans to identify strategies for strengthening academic integrity... have others used that sort of strategy? how did it work out? 01:18:44.000 --> 01:18:44.900 We need to have better/more efficient ways of dealing with the bread and butter cases so that we have more time to deal with the complex cases. 01:19:00.000 --> 01:19:00.900 Spent the last two hours before this session investigating and interviewing potential AI cases!! Happy days. Three more investigation meetings this week 01:19:11.000 --> 01:19:11.900 Bernie, totally agree! 01:19:15.000 --> 01:19:15.900 that is an important point Phil 01:19:41.000 --> 01:19:41.900 I think step one is increasing academic confidence in detecting 01:19:52.000 --> 01:19:52.900 That's the concern -the impact 01:20:22.000 --> 01:20:22.900 One of the darker sides - the impact on both students and staff investigating this etc 01:20:28.000 --> 01:20:28.900 psychological that is 01:20:31.000 --> 01:20:31.900 the shame must be singificant for many students if they are found to have been guilty or even accused of this 01:21:45.000 --> 01:21:45.900 Thanks, great webinar! 01:22:03.000 --> 01:22:03.900 Two criminology-related papers on the topic... https://link-springer-com.ezproxy-b.deakin.edu.au/article/10.1007/s40979-017-0015-4 https://www-tandfonline-com.ezproxy-f.deakin.edu.au/doi/full/10.1080/10511253.2015.1064982 01:22:39.000 --> 01:22:39.900 @rebecca can you give some details I can't log into the articles 01:23:06.000 --> 01:23:06.900 Sorry, one is Student Academic Dishonesty: The Potential for Situational Prevention Tarah Hodgkinson, Hugh Curtis, David MacAlister & Graham Farrell 01:23:12.000 --> 01:23:12.900 why we switched to "balance of probabilities" so less "not enough evidence" cases 01:23:17.000 --> 01:23:17.900 Can we detect contract cheating using existing assessment data? Applying crime prevention theory to an academic integrity issue Joseph Clare, Sonia Walker & Julia Hobson 01:23:26.000 --> 01:23:26.900 the question of evidence is what is acceptable and what will 'stick' - for a long time the definition of contract cheating was the exchange of money and if that didn't happen it was something else 01:23:45.000 --> 01:23:45.900 We have a team that look at cases but the course coordinators have to refer them to us and most can't be bothered 01:24:01.000 --> 01:24:01.900 Is it fair to spot-check essays with a viva (e.g. randomly select 10% of students who will have to defend their work orally)? If students understood that this was a possibility, it might reduce the prevalence of cheating, as Phil's work suggests. 01:24:42.000 --> 01:24:42.900 One the issues we have is the conflict between committees and reporters -and the effect that this has future reporting 01:24:53.000 --> 01:24:53.900 Detection & finding the 'evidence' takes time++, but Sessional markers are on fixed payment, & no allowance for the extra time involved 01:25:13.000 --> 01:25:13.900 the old 'gotcha' mentality 01:25:20.000 --> 01:25:20.900 How public is the reporting of misconduct across the sector? 01:26:11.000 --> 01:26:11.900 Random breath testing 01:26:26.000 --> 01:26:26.900 Sheona, I recently looked for this. It's not public 01:26:35.000 --> 01:26:35.900 I think it would be difficult to create a policy base for it/ 01:26:36.000 --> 01:26:36.900 Yeah, that's the big issue, I think. 01:26:42.000 --> 01:26:42.900 It is not public 01:26:43.000 --> 01:26:43.900 it seems like an impost on students - the ones who are randomly chosen.... 01:27:01.000 --> 01:27:01.900 Everyone defines and categorises things differently so would not be directly relatable either 01:27:04.000 --> 01:27:04.900 even limited reporting between campuses for privacy reasons 01:27:09.000 --> 01:27:09.900 We have used oral presentation as part of the investigation of contract cheating and this has been useful. Having it as a part of a detection strategy could be useful it if makes it less likely that the student would buy their assignment in the first place. 01:27:26.000 --> 01:27:26.900 Thanks, Bernie. 01:27:35.000 --> 01:27:35.900 Sorry that should be 'part of a deterrence strategy' 01:27:46.000 --> 01:27:46.900 mmm yes Bernie if you let students know this is a possibility it could be a deterrent 01:28:07.000 --> 01:28:07.900 Vivas are very good - we recently introduced investigatory vivas so determine authorship of work (focusing on is it the work of the student) 01:28:16.000 --> 01:28:16.900 Where are you from Darren? 01:28:22.000 --> 01:28:22.900 Tax Office does pre-audits and send you a document where you complete and explain why you claimed various deductions. Based on the completed form, they decided to do an official audit or not. Declaration - I was pre-audited once and it went no further. 01:28:24.000 --> 01:28:24.900 RBT probably doesn't stop the serious drink-drivers from drink-driving. 01:28:25.000 --> 01:28:25.900 Darren, must all students participate? 01:28:42.000 --> 01:28:42.900 Danielle is still on line πŸ™‚ 01:28:47.000 --> 01:28:47.900 Agreed, Sheona. 01:29:07.000 --> 01:29:07.900 In our Policy IT Carlow Ireland, we have the right to conduct random oral presentations 01:29:09.000 --> 01:29:09.900 some interesting questions about student who refuse to participate in a random audit 01:29:12.000 --> 01:29:12.900 What do you say about contract cheating in engineering sciences or mathematics? 01:29:13.000 --> 01:29:13.900 I'm here, Phil - Presenting the Interactive Oral session tomorrow. 01:29:23.000 --> 01:29:23.900 Thank you for sharing your work 01:29:56.000 --> 01:29:56.900 I think Griffith publishes ?? 01:30:15.000 --> 01:30:15.900 We have already had such a request. Was trying to get data on international students only. 01:30:24.000 --> 01:30:24.900 Greg Preston, how is that different from asking them to rectify plagiarism issues flagged in Turnitin, for example? 01:30:28.000 --> 01:30:28.900 yes - that would be good 01:30:32.000 --> 01:30:32.900 @Greg hmmm I am not sure - Danielle? 01:30:52.000 --> 01:30:52.900 I haven't heard that we publish this data 01:31:01.000 --> 01:31:01.900 Griffith data that I have found is dated e.g. 2015 I think. 01:31:10.000 --> 01:31:10.900 We would need consistent definitions and categories for misconduct to publish. Some places keep CC under its own category for recording, others keep it under plagiairsm 01:31:11.000 --> 01:31:11.900 oh thanks Aysen 01:31:17.000 --> 01:31:17.900 I think the TEQSA AIroadshow- highlighted this a good practice 01:31:25.000 --> 01:31:25.900 I think 2015 or 2016 for Griffith - the last data out there 01:31:44.000 --> 01:31:44.900 thanks for a great discussion. I must leave now. 01:31:55.000 --> 01:31:55.900 We can stop recording hehehehe 01:31:57.000 --> 01:31:57.900 many contract cheating cases get downgraded to Plagiarism to take things to hearing 01:31:58.000 --> 01:31:58.900 Thanks for the discussion 01:32:00.000 --> 01:32:00.900 We use Turnitin for similarity check and I find that academics very often miss the signs and some don't even seem to recognise straight forward copy and paste, so I despair at the though of them even picking up on contract cheating. In those that do suspect it, they often don't have proof or are reluctant to raise the issue. That said we have a handful of aware & savvy staff Griffith data - it was mentioned I believe in one of the TEQSA Good practice guides. 01:32:02.000 --> 01:32:02.900 Thank you for this extended discussion. Felt unable to tear myself away πŸ™‚ 01:32:08.000 --> 01:32:08.900 thanks so much and for the discussion following the presentation - learned so much and also from the chat contributions 01:32:13.000 --> 01:32:13.900 http://taw.fi/feedback thank you for your presentation 01:32:15.000 --> 01:32:15.900 Thanks everyone πŸ™‚ 01:32:17.000 --> 01:32:17.900 Yes, many thanks to Phil, Matt, and all. 01:32:19.000 --> 01:32:19.900 thank you 01:32:20.000 --> 01:32:20.900 this was very usefule Thanks 01:32:24.000 --> 01:32:24.900 Thank you Phill! 01:32:27.000 --> 01:32:27.900 Thanks 01:32:28.000 --> 01:32:28.900 Thank you for the webinar. Really useful. 01:32:29.000 --> 01:32:29.900 great job thanks Phil and everyone thank you πŸ‘πŸΌ 01:32:30.000 --> 01:32:30.900 πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 01:32:33.000 --> 01:32:33.900 πŸ‘ 01:32:35.000 --> 01:32:35.900 πŸ‘ 01:32:36.000 --> 01:32:36.900 Thank you and see you tomorrow! Many Thanks from England 01:32:37.000 --> 01:32:37.900 Fabulous to have the additional conversation. Thank you so much Phill and Matthew. πŸ‘ 01:32:39.000 --> 01:32:39.900 So good 01:32:41.000 --> 01:32:41.900 Will be there!