Mathew Hillier 4:30 PM hi robyn :-) Robyn Pierce 1 4:31 PM yes I can hear you - hello Mathew Hillier 4:51 PM hi kaye Robyn Pierce 1 4:51 PM hi kaye Mathew Hillier 4:51 PM kaye, run the audio set up wizard if you have yet to do so -> Robyn Pierce 1 4:55 PM hello Yvonne - where are you from? 4:57 PM Hi Robyn, Canberra, Australia is where I am currently but I am from the UK. Kaye Stacey 4:57 PM I started the audio test OK but half way through I lost all sound. Trying to fix this. K. Mathew Hillier 4:58 PM kaye- if it is the microphone, check it is not musted in your sound control panel. Mathew Hillier 4:58 PM muted* Robyn Pierce 1 4:59 PM Hello Gediminas - where are you? Robyn Pierce 1 4:59 PM Hi Sally - where are you joining from? 5:00 PM I did the sound test OK, but can currenly hear nothing - I asssume that is because there is nothing to hear? I often think we should have 'mood' music in these rooms - just to reasure all is working. ;) Mathew Hillier 5:00 PM run the audio set up wizard if you have yet to do so... Sally Jordan 5:00 PM Hi Robin - I work for the UK Open University. I've just driven from Norfolk to Milton Keynes on a misty summer morning. And apologies in advance - I have a meeting at 9am BST so will need to leave early. 5:01 PM yes 5:01 PM Robyn Pierce 1 5:01 PM yes 5:01 PM yes Gediminas 5:01 PM yes, sound is fine Sally Jordan 5:02 PM I've lost sound now Kaye Stacey 5:02 PM No - I dont think I can speak. I can hear you, but cannot speak. 5:03 PM Yes, I hear you - it was working before. 5:03 PM I will try to work on it as we continue. 5:03 PM Mathew Hillier 5:03 PM comments Kaye Stacey 5:06 PM Hello to everyone. 5:06 PM advanced apologies I will need to leave early. Robyn - sound is very distorted - Mathew was very clear. 5:07 PM Mathew Hillier 5:08 PM Yvonne, sorry about the audio, it might be the network conenction issue from where robyn is located. 5:09 PM thx Mathew - yes Mathew Hillier 5:10 PM Sally Jordan 5:11 PM morning Tim Tim Hunt 5:13 PM Hi Sally. Kaye Stacey 5:16 PM Matthew, I can now speak, but there might be some feedback. Kaye Mathew Hillier 5:17 PM ok :-) we can try when the time comes.... Tim Hunt 5:19 PM How did you identify these 'hot spots'? Thanks. 5:19 PM 5:24 PM Apologies again for having to leave early - look forward to the recording. Thanks Robyn (y) Sally Jordan 5:26 PM Are all the questions selected response? (multiple choice?) thanks Robyn - it was how you dealt with student input that made me ask the question - but also interested in answers that students give that aren't what we expect 5:27 PM Kaye Stacey 5:29 PM The big USA commercial math textbook homework systems have a computer algebra system behind them, and they can cope with answers in many equivalent forms. we have not got that (yet). Tim Hunt 5:30 PM You can also have that with STACK in Moodle. Sally Jordan 5:30 PM @Kaye - we are now using STACK computer algrebra based questions in Moodle. They're great! @Tim - great minds think alike! 5:30 PM Kaye Stacey 5:31 PM Agree. K Mathew Hillier 5:31 PM we had a TA session last november on STACK if people want to follow up on it. Carola 5:32 PM With tablet technology being so readily available, it would be fantastic if LMS systems could provide a 'inking' editor for student and teacher responses to be digitally written (and maybe even converted to math notation where needed). Kaye Stacey 5:34 PM The problems of inputting and outputting maths notation are not appreciated by people who do not need to do it. Sally Jordan 5:34 PM @Kaye - agree! Robyn Pierce 1 5:34 PM Kaye can you speak Tim Hunt 5:35 PM I think 5:35 PM Robyn Pierce 1 5:35 PM Kaye would you like me to go to the SMART website Mathew Hillier 5:35 PM tim - correct Sally Jordan 5:38 PM I think looking at the exact answers is important. Nice! Tim Hunt 5:39 PM This is really interesting. Mathew Hillier 5:40 PM do you want to demo the website via screen share? Sally Jordan 5:42 PM How much have you analysed the schoolchildren's answers? Thanks I know the feeling - someone told me more than 10 years ago that I would drown in data, I'm still drowning! 5:44 PM Mathew Hillier 5:45 PM if people want to ask a question via the mic you can 'raise your hand'. Sally Jordan 5:46 PM This has been really interesting - very many thanks. I'm afraid I have to go to a meeting now. Tim Hunt 5:46 PM I am interested in how you are creating the questions, and analysis software, on the SMART website. What is the technology behind it? Mathew Hillier 5:47 PM moodle has come a long way in 5 years! Phil Langton 1 5:48 PM I can see that it is possible that teachers can recognise misconceptions in students thinking. However, I'm interested to know how easy it has been to convince the students they have a fundamental misconception - particularly if they have done well in examinations. Tim Hunt 5:48 PM Right, so this has to be custom-coded, which is no surprise to get the detailed analysis that you want. Nice question :-) 5:50 PM Mathew Hillier 5:51 PM cute :-D so the need to choose the mirror image fish as well? 5:51 PM ok got it :-)D 5:52 PM how sencitive is it? 5:52 PM Carola 5:53 PM Lovely tool! Would be neat if teachers (and students) could add typical questions to your tool to illustrate misconceptions - like a suggestion space. Tim Hunt 5:53 PM Have you published much about what misconception you have found that students have? Phil Langton 1 5:53 PM I recently saw a demonstration of learning catalytics (Eric Mazur) 5:53 PM Kaye Stacey 5:53 PM Sensitivity is set by us so that we get reasomable diagnosis - don't want everyone coming out too low for careless errors. Mathew Hillier 5:54 PM carola, i like the idea of croud sourcing troublesome questions! a-la 'peerwise'. 5:54 PM Phil Langton 1 5:55 PM Learning Catalytics had a underlying system that would allow assessment of students response to graphical questions and do so in a way that would associate fundamental assumptions. Carola 5:55 PM Yip - peerwise sounds great! Are you able to capture more information from the students in how they derive at an answer - regardless if it is correct or incorrect? Something like a scribbepad? 5:57 PM Tim Hunt 5:58 PM A really fun paper in this area (from 1978!) is;jsessionid=CC4E299B5A82B8BFBDE76E60940D8514.d02t03?v=1&t=hkw945ot&s=f98a3fef9b5e654d53c4caf272d505c74c005b7e (Diagnosing student misconceptions on computer) 5:58 PM Mathew Hillier 5:59 PM i think at last years conference there was a maths system that allows tracking step by step of the math problem solving. Tim Hunt 5:59 PM Also, Chris Sangwin's book has a good survery of interesting maths assessment systems. If you enjoyed htis talk, you would probably enjoy that book. 5:59 PM Kaye Stacey 6:00 PM How do we get a copy of teh chat? Thanks. 6:00 PM Tim Hunt 6:00 PM THank you. Very insteresting talk. Carola 6:01 PM thanks - very interesting talk - keep up the great work! Phil Langton 1 6:01 PM thanks for this - it's been interesting James Denholm-Price 1 6:02 PM Thanks -- raised some good questions :-) Kaye Stacey 6:02 PM Nice to read all your comments, K Kaye Stacey 6:03 PM good ye, K I meant goodbye 6:03 PM Robyn Pierce 1 6:03 PM godd bye from me too and thanks for all your input