
4 September 2024: Gen AI in assessment: authenticity and feedback

A joint session with Assessment in Higher Education Network (UK) and Transforming Assessment featuring selected presentations from the Assessment in Higher Education Conference (UK) 2024.

Session chair: Fabio Arico (University of East Anglia, UK)

3 August 2022: e-Portfolio approach for knowledge sharing and e-assessment of competencies development

Presenter: Dr. Milena Krumova (Associate Professor, Technical University Sofia, Bulgaria. Director of European Institute for Technologies, Education and Digitalisation 'EITED' and founder EduTechFlag.

6 October 2021: Using video in assessment and feedback

This session explored two approaches to using video in assessment and feedback.

This panel session is jointly presented by Transforming Assessment and the Assessment in Higher Education Network (UK).

11 July 2018: Transforming Feedback (AHE 2018 Panel review)

Panel Chair - Prof Sally Jordan (Open university, UK)

This was a joint webinar organised with the Assessment in Higher Education conference secretariat.

7 September 2016: Transforming students through ePortfolio assessment

Presenters: Leanne Ngo (Deakin University) and Nicholas McGuigan (Monash University)

Hosted by Dr Mathew Hillier, Monash University, Australia. Starting 07:00AM UTC/GMT. Duration 1 hour, 13 Minutes.

1 June 2016: Adaptive Comparative Judgement for online grading of project-based assessment

Presenter: Professor Richard Kimbell (Goldsmiths College, University of London).

Hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, PVC Education, University of New South Wales and Dr Mathew Hillier, Monash University, Australia. Starting 07:00AM UTC/GMT. Duration 60 Minutes.

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