
4 September 2024: Gen AI in assessment: authenticity and feedback

A joint session with Assessment in Higher Education Network (UK) and Transforming Assessment featuring selected presentations from the Assessment in Higher Education Conference (UK) 2024.

Session chair: Fabio Arico (University of East Anglia, UK)

3 August 2022: e-Portfolio approach for knowledge sharing and e-assessment of competencies development

Presenter: Dr. Milena Krumova (Associate Professor, Technical University Sofia, Bulgaria. Director of European Institute for Technologies, Education and Digitalisation 'EITED' and founder EduTechFlag.

11 July 2018: Transforming Feedback (AHE 2018 Panel review)

Panel Chair - Prof Sally Jordan (Open university, UK)

This was a joint webinar organised with the Assessment in Higher Education conference secretariat.

7 September 2016: Transforming students through ePortfolio assessment

Presenters: Leanne Ngo (Deakin University) and Nicholas McGuigan (Monash University)

Hosted by Dr Mathew Hillier, Monash University, Australia. Starting 07:00AM UTC/GMT. Duration 1 hour, 13 Minutes.

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